The essence of installing cladding panels is to add protection and durability to the exteriors of residential areas. It’s also for proper insulation of the interior as well as added durability and versatility.
In other words, aluminium cladding panels are adopted because they offer homes that extra layer of protective skin. However, people don’t realize how these panels can serve as a “makeup kit” for home exteriors.
If you fall into that category, there are five cladding ideas. These five design ideas are crucial to ending the era of dull aluminium cladding UK residential areas are used to.
1. Board-and-Batten Design
The board-and-batten design is essential for creating a splash of authenticity on your exterior surfaces. It’s a design that incorporates the rotation of individual panels, and the result is a vertically oriented design.
This vertical outlook ensures a clean finish to the building surface. At the same time, it’s a labor-intensive process made more accessible by introducing different cladding materials.
2. Lap Look
Whenever you hear of or stumble across the term Lap look, you just have to imagine a classic appeal that immediately improves the quality of any façade. It’s a classic example of combining gentle textures with elegant shadow lines. The results speak for themselves, as onlookers are always awed by the final product.
Aluminium cladding panels are excellent choices for this kind of design because they offer structural integrity and durability to the cladding structure. That way, it eliminates the fear of deterioration and color fading.
3. Earth Tone
The earth tone is another great idea you can try on your residential surfaces. It’s a refreshing pattern that adds a scenic view to your home and an excellent look for passers-by. Thanks to the new cladding materials brought about by technology, i.e., aluminum and fiber cement, this earth tone is even more achievable and has many patterns to match.
What that means is that you can apply different styles, textures, and colors, mix them, and still achieve a great outlook without worrying about their compatibility. Aluminium cladding, for instance, can be combined with stone and bricks to yield any type of earth tone you desire.
4. Shake Technique
Furthermore, the shake technique is the way to go if you want your building to embrace a rustic and refined look. Based on the colors and materials adopted, you can transform your building façade, adding a premium texture to its surface.
Ordinarily, wooden cladding was the go-to for this style. Still, as time passed, many more materials were introduced for this pattern, including aluminium cladding for more power weather and wear resistance.
5. Variegated Patterns
What happens when you can’t decide about the cladding idea for your building? The simple yet fun solution is to mix things up and combine multiple styles and textures. Thanks to aluminum cladding, you can dabble with multiple cladding panels until you find the result you’re looking for.
So don’t be afraid to combine a wooden earth tone with the board-and-batten design if you’re feeling artistic.
Different cladding ideas exist to give your home exteriors different outlooks, styles, and patterns. So instead of the regular aluminium cladding installation patterns, why not spice things up and give your home façade a glow-up?