Can a miniature horse be a house pet?
While some refer to horses as livestock, others consider horses to be a companion animal, especially if they are kept...
While some refer to horses as livestock, others consider horses to be a companion animal, especially if they are kept...
Horses are social creatures so should be kept at least as a pair, they will need equine contact even more...
Supplements containing glucosamine sulfate, in particular, have been demonstrated to be effective in relieving joint pain and inflammation in people,...
With early treatment and good stall and environmental management, the prognosis for complete recovery for cases of thrush is good....
Dish soap also works extremely well on lighter colored horses. Soap made specifically for hand washing dishes is powerful, but specially...
When should you not take apple cider vinegar? 8 things you should not do while taking apple cider vinegar Drink...
HOW MUCH DID IT COST to turn a Pole Barn into a Home? What is the life expectancy of a...
If your horse’s swelling isn’t accompanied by fever or pain, he’s most likely suffering from a non-acute ailment like windpuffs...
Some mares develop fluid swelling (edema) around the udder before foaling because the blood supply and lymphatic system both change their...
The horse jumps a course of 10 to 16 obstacles, with heights up to 1.6 meters (5 feet 3 inches)...