What is a good upstream SNR?

SNR is best over 30, (the higher the better, might work well with as low as 25 at times). Anything less than 25 will cause dropped connections, packet loss, slow transfers, etc. How do I fix my upstream SNR? To improve the upstream SNR margin on a DSL line, you’d either have to get the modem to transmit using more...

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What are Netflix test patterns?

This is a collection of video test patterns organized by source resolution and native frame rate. The resolution indicated in the pattern’s title identifies the title’s source resolution, and therefore, the stream set’s maximum encoded resolution. How do I test my Netflix surround? PSA: You can test to make sure your 5.1 audio is working using the Netflix app. If...

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What does a limited connection mean?

If the wireless network does not allow the Android devices access to all these servers and their responses, the Internet connection is marked as “limited” or “No Internet” connection. The root cause can be: WLAN does not connect to the Internet at all. The firewall does not permit HTTP requests to these servers. What does limited connectability mean?...

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What does a speaker selector do?

A speaker selector is a device that splits the audio signal coming from your receiver or amplifier and sends that same audio signal to two or more sets of speakers. A speaker selector is usually a passive device that uses the amplification power from your receiver or power amplifier to power connected speaker pairs. What is the best speaker...

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How much should a 1660 Super cost?

How expensive is a 1660? $219 Name MSRP Price 3DMark Time Spy Graphics Score Value for Money NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (Notebook) N/A 5576 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (Notebook) N/A 5540 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 $219 5418 NVIDIA GTX TITAN X $999 5377 Is a 1660 Super still good? Is GTX 1660 future proof? No graphics card...

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Can you modify prebuilt PC?

You Can Upgrade Anything, At a Cost You can upgrade any prebuilt desktop PC if you are willing to throw enough money at it. You can swap the case, buy new fans, put a different hard drive in, swap the PSU, buy more RAM, swap out the CPU, or even replace the entire motherboard. Can you upgrade prebuilt...

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What size do Sonotubes come in?

Available in Diameters of 8”, 14”, 18”, 24”, 28”, 30”, 36”, 42”, 48” Standard Height 12′. Diameter sizes 6″ to 60″ available upon request. What can I use instead of Sonotubes? Pro Post Foundations screw piles in return, should be considered as your best alternative to concrete sonotubes. How deep do you put Sonotubes? Working with Sonotube Builder’s Tube The one-of-a-kind...

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