Do not worry spiders I keep house casually?

Quote by Kobayashi Issa: “Don’t worry spiders, I keep house casually.” What is a famous haiku poem? “The Old Pond” by Matsuo Bashō This traditional example comes from Matsuo Bashō, one of the four great masters of Haiku. Historically, haikus are a derivative of the Japanese Hokku. Hokkus are collaborative poems which follow the 5/7/5 rule. What’s an example...

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Why do horses never lay down?

It takes a bit of work for horses to get up, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by predators. To protect themselves, horses instead doze while standing. They’re able to do this through the stay apparatus, a special system of tendons and ligaments that enables a horse to lock the major joints in its legs. Can horses die from...

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Can you ride a Gypsy horse?

These horses may have been raised to pull caravans, but they also make great riding horses, too. With their calm nature, Gypsy Vanners can be well-paired with children, as well as with beginner and advanced adult riders. How long do Gypsy Vanners live? How Long do Gypsy Horses Live? Large draft breeds don’t typically live as long as smaller...

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What size needle is used for IV injections?

Longer needles (½ inch or longer) are commonly used for intramuscular injections, while shorter (shorter than ½ inch) needles are more often used for intravenous injections. What size needle do you use on a horse? The most common needle lengths used in equine medicine are 1.0” and 1.5”. One-inch needles are generally used for foals and subcutaneous injections, whereas 1.5” length...

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What is the average cost of a farrier?

Nationally, the typical full-time U.S. farrier charges $131.46 for a trim and nailing on four keg shoes while part-time farriers charge an average of $94.49 for the same work. The charges for resetting keg shoes averages $125.52 for full-time farriers and 95% of farriers reset some keg shoes. How much does a farrier charge per horse? To trim a horse, full-time...

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