A lot of people might not be familiar with this part of their body. It’s what keeps things like the bladder and bowel in place, and for women, their uterus and vagina, in the right place. What would make someone living in Chicago have to do a search for “pelvic floor therapy Chicago?” Here are some things to look out for:
Urinary or Fecal Incontinence
Strong pelvic floor muscles keep these natural body wastes in place until a person is ready to evacuate them. Unfortunately, weak muscles can lead to accidents happening, and that can be both messy and embarrassing. People may even have it happen if they cough or sneeze – this is known as stress incontinence.
Constipation or Difficulty With Urinating
There are times that people may be constipated due to their diet, but it it’s chronic, then that could lead to a diagnosis of pelvic floor issues. The same could be the reason for having problems fully emptying bladders.
Always Feeling the Need to Either Urinate or Defecate
If it seems like the need to suddenly run to the restroom to do either of those things always occurs, then that could be a sign that something is going on with the pelvic floor. While there can be other reasons for it, it’s always good to get it checked out immediately to ensure that it’s not something more dangerous.
Pelvic Floor Prolapse
This happens most often in women who have had a baby, are in menopause, or had a hysterectomy. It means that the pelvic organs drop lower in the pelvis and can bulge in their vagina or rectum.
Pelvic Pain
This is far more than just a momentary twinge in a certain area of their body. Instead, there is constant pain in their genitals, especially if they are sitting. They will feel it in their groin, lower back, hips, and lower abdomen.
Sexual Dysfunction
Both men and women can be affected by this. Women usually feel pain during sex and men may have erectile dysfunction.
After their physical therapist does an evaluation, they will come up with a plan to treat the problem. These can include exercises that can be done lying down, and then have them gradually sit and stand to do the exercises.
The therapy usually occurs once a week for six to eight weeks, though it can depend on the patient’s insurance. The therapist will also give their patient some exercises to do at home in between sessions. Other treatments may include nerve stimulation and focusing on proper posture and body movement.
It’s important to see a medical professional to ensure that there is a solid diagnosis. Some of these symptoms could actually point to other things. But once a diagnosis has been given and pelvic floor therapy has been prescribed, then it’s best to just follow what the physical therapist has in mind. They have likely worked with many people with the same issues and can create a plan that will work.
There’s nothing wrong with needing help to strengthen that area. It can happen to people of all ages and genders. Both men and women might need to come in for it. They can have a much better quality of life with this therapy. Then they will be glad that they did.