The Benefits of Dry January

The premise behind Dry January is simple: it's a month of sobriety to encourage people to reassess their relationship with alcohol. But it's also a gateway to a healthier lifestyle, experts say. For many participants, the main benefit is more clarity around navigating social situations where drinking may be part of the agenda. Other benefits include better sleep—alcohol...

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How to Deal With Hemorrhoids

Internal and external hemorrhoids are characterized by swollen veins in and around the anus or lower rectum. They happen when pressure builds up on blood vessels. Hemorrhoids are most common in adults over age 50 but can also occur in children and young people. Aging, straining during bowel motions, and persistent constipation or diarrhea are a few of...

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5 Key Elements of Medicare Risk Adjustment for Healthcare Providers

Risk adjustment helps payers bring value-based benefits to their members, such as exercise programs, case or disease management, transportation to medical appointments, and more. The program relies on the accurate and timely submission of claim diagnosis codes mapped to CMS-HCCs each year to calculate a patient's risk score. HCC coding requires physicians and eligible non-physician providers to document...

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Do horses have nipples?

Male horses do indeed have nipples. They are quite rudimentary, and often difficult to see. They are located on the underside of the horse’s sheath. What are a horse’s nipples called? A teat is the projection from the mammary glands of mammals from which milk flows or is ejected for the purpose of feeding young. In many mammals the...

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