Do horses have nipples?

Male horses do indeed have nipples. They are quite rudimentary, and often difficult to see. They are located on the underside of the horse’s sheath. What are a horse’s nipples called? A teat is the projection from the mammary glands of mammals from which milk flows or is ejected for the purpose of feeding young. In many mammals the...

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How long do mini donkeys stay pregnant?

Miniature donkeys, on average, carry a foal for 12 months. The average jennet produces one offspring every 13 to 14 months. Birth weights are generally between 18 and 25 pounds (8.2 to 11 kg). Twinning in miniature donkeys is rare. How can you tell if a mini donkey is pregnant? Signs of foaling The udder will swell and subside...

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How much weight can I lose in 80 days

What are 80 days to get in shape? The 80-Day Obsession is a fitness and nutrition program created by personal trainer Autumn Calabrese. It’s streamed online exclusively through Beachbody On Demand and requires a monthly membership, exercise equipment, and color-coded food containers. How much weight can you lose in 90 days? 26 pounds For safe weight loss that...

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How long does Crisco last in the freezer?

How do you store Crisco long term? We suggest storing Crisco shortening on the pantry shelf. If you live in a warm climate and prefer to refrigerate shortening and oil, keep in mind that refrigeration causes shortening to be more firm and oils to be thicker and look somewhat cloudy. How long does shortening last in the freezer? Solid...

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What happens when crayfish mate?

When mating begins, the male deposits a sack of sperm on the female who then passes her eggs through the sperm to fertilize them. After the eggs have been fertilized, they are then kept under the tail by the female who should be placed in a tank on her own at this point. How do crayfish make babies? They...

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Can a binder be harmful?

That said, even a dedicated binder is not without risk, and binding improperly or for too long can lead to chest and back pain, rib bruising and fractures, shortness of breath, overheating, and skin damage. What happens if you wear a binder everyday? You should avoid wearing your binder for more than eight hours a day, especially if you...

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